Aged Care


Embark on a rewarding new career in Individual Support!

Would you like to embark on a career that allows you to change people’s lives for the better? Do you pride yourself on your compassion, ability to empathize and your desire to help others?

Do you want to work in a rewarding, growing industry that can offer you employment opportunities, job security and flexible working arrangements?

Undertaking study in Individual Support doesn’t just qualify you to become a carer: it provides you with the skills you need to play a vital role in your clients’ unique life stories. You will care for people during their most vulnerable moments and sit with them through difficult times. Your companionship will help prevent the social isolation that has been identified as a cause of numerous health issues, both physical and psychological. You will provide your clients with the support they need to face their personal challenges and you’ll become part of the rich tapestry of our local community.

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistic’s Labour Force Survey, there will be over 250,000 employment opportunities in Healthcare and Social Assistance by 2023, with a 39% increase in Aged and Disability Carer roles. Census data identifies Aged Care Residential Services as a major industry of employment across the Yarra Ranges. Opportunities in the field will only continue to increase, with the number of people requiring some form of care projected to double by 2050.

Working in Individual Support is about more than just job security and industry growth. Your work will also be enriching, varied and interesting. Forget spending 9am-5pm stuck behind a desk! One day you might be assisting clients with mobility and daily activities, the next you could be organising social events and accompanying them out-and-about. You will become familiar with your client’s personalities, quirks, behaviours and empower them to make the improvements they need to live their lives to the fullest.

Cire’s Certificate III in Individual Support offers a blend of theoretical knowledge and 120 hours of practical, hands-on work placement. You will learn the foundational skills required to work safely and recognize health body systems, feel confident working closely with a diverse range of people, and be able to provide high-quality individualized care. You will be able to communicate with health-care professionals and monitor your client’s wellbeing. Based on your choice of electives, you may also learn to facilitate the empowerment of older people, provide dementia support and develop the knowledge required to work with a palliative approach.

Here at Cire, we believe in choice. We want you to have control over your own learning and future pathways. With this in mind, we’ve developed three different learning streams within the Certificate III. You can choose to specialize in Home and Community Care, Aged Care or Disability depending on your desired career outcome. You can also decide to study all three, giving yourself a broad general knowledge that will allow you to pursue a variety of roles.

A qualification in Individual Support provides a range of job opportunities, depending on your chosen learning stream. Upon graduating, you may find yourself working as an aged care support worker, a personal care attendant, a residential worker or in respite care.

The Certificate III runs across 7 months at our Yarra Junction Campus, with new enrolments being accepted throughout 2020. Our courses include a mix of classroom sessions, work placement and self-directed learning.

We’ll be running free information sessions, aiming to provide you with everything you need to make the right decision when it comes to enrolling in a qualification. These will cover the courses offered by Cire Training, future career pathways and more!

Click here to reserve your free space.

Free TAFE – How have you found it?

The Free TAFE for Priority Courses initiative was released by the Victorian Labor Government in May 2018, with its commencement in January 2019. Shortly after the Adult, Community and Further Education Board (ACFE) announced a support package to assist Learn Local Registered Training Organisations (RTOs). This support package was designed to assist RTOs such as Cire Services, Ringwood North Neighbourhood House, the Pines and others delivering the priority courses. This was designed to support Learn Locals to:

  • Change their focus and course offerings
  • Develop pathway programs
  • Support existing learners.

This was an interesting change in direction given that all Learn Local RTOs exist to support learners and their community to engage in the local area. Learn Local providers across Victoria offer a range of education and training programs designed to meet local learning needs. Whether you are returning to work after caring for children or a family member, following an injury or a period of unemployment your Learn Local is the place to start.

Learn Local tuition fees are affordable and often very similar to the TAFE charges with the ‘Free initiative’.

Cire Services has worked hard to change its scope of registration in order to develop pathway programs to TAFE. At this stage, there has been no interest from TAFEs to participate or work together offering a pathway for students.

So the question is ‘are Free TAFE Courses free’? No!

This initiative only covers tuition fees, other fees such as study materials, amenities and graduation must still be paid for. Eligible students can access one free TAFE Course in a lifetime. Since the beginning commencement over 19, 000 people have flocked to TAFE to enrol in such a course.

So what has your experience of free TAFE been like? Would you recommend it?

A recent article in the Age newspaper paints a picture of trainer shortage, ballooning class sizes, cancellations of classes and ‘multiple groups of students at different stages of the course being lumped together in one big class’. (Andrew Cowper, the Age, July 2, 2019) ‘Mr Cowper and his classmates have lodged a complaint with the Australian Community Services Association, a professional body which accredits community services courses’, read the full article here.

The issue with such an initiative is that it shifts students from small Learn Local RTOs, where the student support and learning occurs in small classes with a welcoming environment, compared to large public institutions that are often overwhelming. Cire Training offers courses that provide a pathway to employment in the Valley. Eighty-five per cent of our students have gained employment by the time they graduated. Our tuition fees are affordable and we provide support for all our learners, said Anna-Louise Allen, Executive Manager, Education and Training.

Another issue that has arisen from the explosion of enrolments in Free TAFE is access to work placement. This is a very important part of a student’s study in Vocational Education and Training (VET). There is a limit to the number of placement students an organisation can successfully accommodate, as this requires a supervisor’s time and exposure to the right sorts of programs. Students of free TAFE report difficulties in gaining a placement without any support. Anna-Louise stated that ‘Cire Services have experienced a significant increase in the requests for placement opportunities across our services’.  While the Free TAFE program may well have driven huge numbers to TAFE it has been at the expense of quality support and leads to the demise of many Learn Local RTOs. The VRQA reports an ongoing decline in the number of Learn Local RTOs registered within Victoria. ‘This is a cohort that would be a great loss to the community’ said Anna-Louise Allen, Executive Manager, Education and Training.

Cire Training is now taking enrolments in aged care, early childhood hood education and care and education support. Don’t delay getting your qualification when you can train with Cire in 2019 with the goal of gaining employment in 2020. The following courses are available at our Yarra Junction campus, making training accessible for people who live in the Upper Yarra region.

Further information on our courses:
CHC33015 Certificate III in Individual Support
CHC30113 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care
CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care
CHC40213 Certificate IV in Education Support

If you have any questions call 1300 835 235 or email

Connecting Generations

Since July the kindergarten children from Cire have been lucky enough to visit the Estia Health Aged Care Facility. As part of their experience, the children got to complete different activities to engage with the residents. They have painted artwork for the art show, played games, completed puzzles, been hands-on making threaded necklaces, worked together on craft activities, they sang songs, played musical instruments and had a chat. The residents even got to show off their favourite songs and share their memories with the children. Guiding the children through their past times and experiences was a highlight for them with the children eager to learn more.

On one of the excursions to Estia some of the children had made cards for their newly found friends, it was on this day that one of them was having a very special birthday, Elsbeth was turning 94. The children were able to celebrate with her and her friends by singing happy birthday and joining in on the fun. It was a joy to see Elsbeth have so many little friends celebrate her big day.

It’s wonderful to observe the two groups of people becoming more comfortable and open with each other, learning to communicate in different ways. There was even an animal resident that was a big hit with the children, a fat cat called Elle. She meandered her way through the centre collecting hugs and pats as she went. The children learnt that Elle the cat’s role was to make the residents feel calm and make Estia feel like home.

The interactions that have occurred have been simple and easy going, there has been some small talk, discussions of how to play games and what each other enjoys doing; some even mentioning what they had liked when ‘they’ were in kindergarten. One of the residents told me,

“It was so lovely seeing the children when they visited, they bring life back into my heart and I smile so much when they are here”. Resident of Estia Health Aged Care Facility

Through this exchange, the children have had the opportunity to connect, develop and experience what it means to have respect and to care for people of all ages and abilities.

We look forward to further developing our relationships and are excited to be working towards a fun Christmas concert for our new friends, with the possibility for them to attend our end of year graduation ceremony.

Thank you so much to the Estia Health Aged Care Facility for the having our children come and visit.

If you would like to find out more about our Cire Children’s Services kindergarten program or would like to come to the centre for a tour contact 1300 835 235.


Helping people stay connected

On Christmas Day each year many of us pack up the car and drive off to spend precious time with family and enjoy a meal. Although this is something that may require planning, it is a relatively straight forward event. However, this is not the case if your home is four hours away and you’re a person living with an acquired brain injury (ABI) and paraplegia. Weeks of planning, not just about presents and food, is necessary. Consideration for quotes to hire essential equipment, a personal support worker and a wheelchair specific vehicle, are required through disability support service organisations.

Midyear 2016, a family set about planning to bring their paraplegic and ABI brother to Melbourne from North East Victoria, where he resides in a disability supported household. During the Christmas/New Year week, whilst staying at his brother and sister in law’s home, there was to be a reunion with nephews, another brother, and a sister flying in from interstate. A day drive to visit a second sister in country Victoria, was also planned.

The following is the experience of Karen, one of our dedicated Cire in home carers, in assisting one of our clients over the Christmas period.

On December 23rd, two siblings travelled to North East Victoria and swapped their vehicle for a wheelchair accessible van, hired for the week to transport their brother to Melbourne and to go on outings.

As an employee of Cire In Home Care, my involvement was to provide appropriate personal care in the morning and evening, which would entail support with toileting, showering, shaving, putting on compression stockings, and conducting bed to shower commode/wheelchair transfers with the help of the client’s brother.

Essential equipment was hired and delivered to the house. Items such as a height adjustable bed with side safety rails, shower commode, lifting hoist and sling for transfers were all needed.

Following the client’s documented morning and bedtime routines was all important to best support him; that he might remain calm, feel secure and happy away from his usual home environment. During the week he was mostly jovial and told me some very funny jokes. It was reassuring he seemed comfortable with my care of him; giving me confidence.

This family gave their brother the most wonderful Christmas. It fulfilled what was important to him, “keeping in contact with his siblings regularly.”

He said often during the week how thrilled he was being with them, thanking me for my help in making it possible. For my part, the family was very welcoming. Their brother is a real character and a very inspirational man. This assignment was surely a surprise Christmas experience!

At Cire In Home Care we are committed to helping our clients stay connected to family and friends. We regularly transport and support people to their functions and events throughout the year. Staying connected is important and we are there to help. For further information on Cire In Home Care call 1300 835 235 or click here.



Do you control your possessions or do they control you?

The role of a Cire In Home Carer is often diverse and challenging, with tasks ranging from general house cleaning, assisting with grocery shopping, personal care, meal preparation and respite for family carers. However, there are other ways that Cire carers support people in their own homes.


Cire In Home Carers sometimes enter a person’s home and there are personal items everywhere, often starting from the front gate. Cars, tools, books, newspapers, pots, plants, bottles, furniture, clothes, hats, food, condiments, the list goes on. In this type of environment carers are faced with the challenge of being able to work safely and respect the person’s home and their choices.

“We may own the things in our home but they own us as well” ‘Stuff: Compulsive Hoarding and the Meaning of Things’ by Dr Randy Frost

Carers may not know the history of how the person has developed attachments to their possessions. Each item could have significant meaning, or represent an event or special time in that person’s life. The value of an item may have increased over time and may have been with a person through good times and bad. How does a carer approach their work if their role is to tidy and clean the house or assist in the removal of items from the house?

A good way to begin to understand the emotional attachment to possessions is for carers to ask themselves “Could you pack up all your things into one suitcase and leave your home forever?” Most people would probably respond that they may find it difficult but ultimately they could do it. However if we added another layer onto this and considered that some of the items we were leaving behind had belonged to family members that had passed away, or were given to us 60 years ago, or came from the old cinema that we attended as a child or represented a significant time in our life, we begin to understand the emotions that these items may represent.

If Cire carers understand that items have memories attached to them they can then start to discuss some of these memories with the person. It can be a very slow process and sometimes an acknowledgement of an item’s significance can assist a person in being able to let it go. It takes a lot of patience and understanding to work in this environment. Cire In Home Carers are very experienced in this area and are able to support people to remain living independently in a way that is safe and respects their right to choice.

If you would like to learn more about the services Cire In Home Care offer call 1300 835 235. If you are interested in a career in the aged care industry, Cire Training offers Certificate III in Individual Support.

Where will the projected job growth be in our region by 2020?

Every year the Department of Employment publishes an employment projection for the next four years in regards to industry, occupation, skill level and region. These projections can be used to guide the future labour market. Of course, as with all projections, they are subject to a degree of variation.

The Employment Outlook to November 2020 provides an overview of the employment outlook across industries, occupations, states and territories, and regions forecast to 2020.

It is anticipated that in the next four years to November 2020, total employment in Australia will increase by 989,700 jobs – nearly one million positions in round numbers. Most new jobs created between now and 2020 will require tertiary qualifications. Of the one million new jobs projected, almost half will require certificate or diploma level qualifications.

So, how does the employment projection look for Melbourne’s Outer East?

For the Melbourne Outer East region, the number of people employed is expected to rise to 294,900 by November 2020 for all industries comparing to the November 2015 trend of 268,200. This is a projected employment growth of 26,600.

Melbourne outer east total

Where will the new jobs be?

Top six industries that will see growth in our region are:

  • Health Care and Social Assistance
  • Construction
  • Professional, Scientific and Technical Services
  • Accommodation and Food Services
  • Education and Training
  • Retail Trade

Melbourne outer east graph

Health Care and Social Assistance has been the primary provider of new jobs in the Australian labour market since the 1990s. Over the next five years, employment in the industry is projected to increase by 250,200 (or 16.4 per cent). Factors contributing to this strong projected growth include the implementation of the National Disability Insurance Scheme, Australia’s ageing population, and increasing demand for childcare and home based care services. Employment growth in this industry is likely to favour part-time and female workers.

Cire Training offers a  CHC33015 Certificate III in Individual Support, which can give you the skills required to confidently support people in living in their own home or a care facility. Cire Training also offers courses in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) at a Certificate III level and a diploma level. Both of these courses provide the skills to care for and support the development of young children from infancy through to 12 years of age. A diploma in this field can lead to management and development roles.

Construction industry employment is projected to grow by 87,000 (or 8.3 per cent) over the five years to November 2020. A strong rise in residential building construction and low interest rates has supported the growth in this industry.

Cire Training offers a White Card course CPCCOHS1001A Work Safely in the Construction Industry, a general construction induction course, which ensures that anyone entering a worksite are Worksafe approved.

Professional, Scientific and Technical Services employment is expected to increase by 151,200 (or 14.8 per cent) over the five years to November 2020, the second largest increase of any industry. The high growth rate reflects the growing demand for qualified and highly educated individuals.

Cire Training offers a BSB51915 Diploma of Leadership and Management which is best suited to individuals who are engaged to manage the work of others or to add value to or review management practices. Typically people in these roles will have considerable experience in their respective industries or vocational areas and combine an informed perspective of specific work requirements with their managerial approaches.

Accommodation and Food Services industry employment is projected to grow by 12.0 per cent, or 98,800, which is attributed to an improved domestic tourism trade and historically low interest rates.

Cire Training offers Workskills courses in SITHFAB002 Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) and equivalent SITXFSA101 Use Hygiene Practices for Food Safety for those wishing to enter the Food Services industry.

Education and Training employment is projected to increase by 121,700 (or 13.0 per cent), with the strong growth being attributed to above average growth in the school aged population, improving strength in the international education sector as a result of the lower Australian dollar, and continuing growth in part-time workers and non-teaching staff.

Cire Training offers a CHC402013 Certificate IV in Education Support, which enables an individual to work within the education system, supporting educational professionals and playing an active role in helping others to learn.

If any of these courses or careers appeals to you, contact one of our Cire Training team today!

Graphs and information supplied by Department of Employment

Anja’s Story

Anja is a trainer with Cire Training and is based at our Mount Evelyn campus. This story is about Anja and her family’s experience following her father’s diagnosis with Parkinson’s disease.

Eight years ago Anja’s father was doing strange things which prompted her to encourage a doctor’s visit to determine why his driving ability specifically had altered. He was showing a tendency to veer to the left, sometimes dangerously close to vehicles next to him. Also, he often looked blank, showing no facial emotions and he had difficulty lifting his left foot when walking.

The doctor’s visit led to a diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease. Parkinson’s is a neurological disorder known to mainly impact movement, but can also include pain, depression and problems with memory and sleep.

Anja and her family found a neurologist for her father who recommended physiotherapy and lots of medication to assist with movement. He participated in a movement program at Wantirna Health and the family also connected with Parkinson’s Victoria to gain further insight into the disease.

Things were going along well until Anja’s father had a hospital stay in September 2015 for issues unrelated to Parkinson’s. During this stay, he suffered an acute delirium episode. This often occurs when a patient has an undetected infection. But that was not the case with Anja’s dad. One week later he was hospitalised again for a possible stroke, when again he had a delirium episode. This required major intervention by police as no-one could subdue him.

Major paranoia and a fear of people wanting to hurt him or his family became part of his everyday existence. He was assessed by specialists in the field who believed this was occurring due to his Parkinson’s medication. These were removed immediately, however his mental health was still unstable and his mobility poor. That’s when Anja’s family were told he had Lewy Body Dementia (LBD).

LBD refers to both Parkinson’s disease and dementia with Lewy bodies. The earliest symptoms of these two diseases differ but reflect the same underlying biological changes in the brain. Over time, people with both diagnoses will develop very similar cognitive, physical, sleep, and behavioural symptoms.

Anja’s family needed to consider, collectively, what to do next. They had to consider whether they could care for their father, who was 75 years old, at home 24 hours a day, seven days a week. By this stage, Anja’s father was not capable of much movement, couldn’t make decisions for himself, couldn’t drive, shower, toilet himself, or walk unaided. And it wasn’t only their dad they had to consider but also their mum, who is 78 years old and has her own medical issues.

It’s fair to say their heads were spinning!

Due to the severity of the disease their options were limited. Anja’s parents’ home was sold and Anja’s mum went to a retirement village while dad went to an aged care facility which could cope with his specific needs of sleep disturbances, behavioural issues and lack of mobility. Thankfully both Anja’s parents were located on the same site so they could visit each other.

Anja’s parent’s lives have undergone many changes in the last 12 months, as has Anja.

“As l look over the last year I’m surprised that I’ve coped as well as I have. I believe the transitions were made easier for my parents due to the support and availability of facilities to assist families. The many chats with staff about my dad have helped me to understand him better. The caring staff who assist him to do those tasks which were difficult for family make our visits less stressful, and that means we get quality time with him. I’m not sure what would have become with my life if aged care was not an option.” Anja

Not everyone can provide this type of care, some are born to care and look after people.

“I also believe that the most important aspects in caring for the elderly are, patience and time, being genuine when dealing with hurdles, showing interest in them, caring, sharing laughs, being dignified in their approach and enjoying the person for who they are. I believe that a career in this industry is really rewarding as some elderly people may be in care for long periods of time, others may be there at the end of their life. Showing support for their family is vital.” Anja

If this is you, maybe consider a career in supporting people in their later years. Cire Training offers a Certificate III in Individual Support. This qualification can be used in many different facilities or provide in home care. Call 1300 835 235 to speak to enrolment officer at Cire Training today.

For furthering information on Parkinson’s disease visit

Aged care, the new booming industry

The aged care sector is one of the largest growing industries because we have an ageing population. Statistics show that the percentage of the people over 65 years old is predicted to increase by 18 per cent in the next five years. Based on this information you can confidently say that this industry is on the rise, which means more jobs for qualified aged care providers.

Trevor Carr (CEO – Leading Age Services Australia – Victoria LASA) said that “In the next 10 years we are talking about 60,000 more residential care places and infrastructure investment of $30 billion. An additional 30,000 home care places will be required, and when combined with residential growth this will create more than 80,000 additional jobs,”

We have already witnessed an increase of students this year and new aged care facilities being built to accommodate the growing ageing population.

As unemployment rises, people are looking for new career choices which offer job stability and satisfaction. One of the main reasons people decide to enter this profession is due to flexibility is hours and knowing that their contribution has helped people in going about their daily lives.

UYCH Community College and Newly Professional Carers have partnered together to maximise employment outcomes for graduates. Graduates who complete Certificate III in Aged Care and Home and Community Care CHC30212/CHC30312 will have access to to Newly services.

“Newly is very excited to work with UYCH in providing exciting career pathways for those looking to enter the aged care workforce, or even update their skill set.” Tony Pedroso – Newly Communications Manager.

“Once our students graduate they will have the option to meet with Newly who will help them with the next step, finding employment. This means UYCH can offer a complete pathway in this growing industry.” Alison Forbes – UYCH Community College Education and Family Services Manager 

Image of Alison - UYCH Education and Family Services Manager with Linda - Newly General Manager

Linda Meagher (Newly) and Alison Forbes (UYCH)

Our students were given a presentation by Linda Meagher (Newly – General Manager) on the services they provide and feedback we received was very positive. Many students commented on how hard it is to gain employment so having a service that will assist them in this area is a huge benefit.

This is an exciting time for UYCH and our students. Our aim is to provide the best in education and with Newly helping our graduates find employment our aged care pathway is complete.

If you would like to know more about our education services in aged and community care, click here.

Role playing worthy of an Academy Award

Have you ever thought how hard it is to move people that can’t move themselves? Helping them perform everyday tasks that we sometimes take for granted. Yesterday our Certificate III Aged Care and HACC students were busy role playing to learn how to do just that.  Their tutor Naomi acted as their director by presenting best practices and real life scenarios on how to move and lift people using a slide sheet and hoist. Then it was time for the students (actors) to have a go. Playing both roles to the best of their ability (carer and client) they gained the skills needed to confidently move people respectively and without causing too much discomfort. Many laughs were had along the way especially when the students were playing the role of the client (Meryl Streep step aside), here is what some of our students had to say about the day’s session:

I loved the way it gave me an idea of how the client felt. Seeing it from both perspectives was really beneficial – Bev

The session today was very hands on, which is the best way to learn – Trisha

Backing up theory with practical tasks is what I enjoyed the most – Karen

Getting to know and using the equipment was a highlight for me – Cheryl

If you’re interested in working in the Aged Care sector and could see yourself making a difference in people’s lives contact us today or click here for more information.