
Worry Dolls – a problem shared is a problem halved

Worry dolls have been all the rage in a most positive way at Cire’s Out of School Hours program at Yarra Junction.

With some help from the educators, the children have been making worry dolls partly as a way to vocalise and or offload any of their worries, as well as being a creative activity and one that exposes them to other cultures.

The children put a lot of creative thought and effort into how they wanted their worry dolls to look such how the facial expressions they drew and the hair colour and length, with some giving their dolls long locks so they could be trimmed.

The activity was quite timely, particularly for one child who has been afraid to go to school because of problems with other children. The activity gave the child the confidence to share her troubles and talk with educators about solutions. The child loves the worry dolls and plays with them daily.

The Yarra Junction group has extended the experience of making worry dolls by making beds for them and providing blankets.   They even asked the educators for more blankets as there weren’t enough to go around.  The educators have bought in their crochet hooks to make the additional blankets.  There are plans to make cosy pouch beds from felt for the dolls.

Worry dolls are tiny handmade dolls, traditional to Guatemala. According to Mayan legend, worry dolls ease our fears and anxieties. Before a person goes to sleep at night, they tell the doll all the problems that have been worrying them and then tucks the doll under their pillow. While the person sleeps, the doll takes all their worries away or gives them the gift of knowledge and wisdom so, upon waking, they know how to solve their worry!

They say a problem shared is a problem halved. Worry dolls provide a beautiful way to ease one’s worries.

It has been wonderful to hear from the parents that their children are going to be with the worry dolls and taking comfort in having them under their pillows.  One of the worry dolls even had an adventure, mysteriously finding its way under the child’s bed. There was a great hunt in the morning and big hugs from the child when the doll was found.

The children have taken a real interest in the dolls and are working cooperatively to help each other create their own individualised doll.  Some of the children are starting to make families of worry dolls

Pat Leembruggen

Cire OSHC coordinator, Yarra Junction

Pram Walkers – be active and meet new people

Social connection and healthy lifestyles are promoted through Cire Community House’s Pram Walkers group. Pram Walkers is a new activity for Upper Yarra parents to join, which will improve health and fitness, get parents out of the house and into fresh air and provide them with opportunities to meet other community members.

Facilitated by Kate Downward of Fresh Air Health and Fitness, Pram Walkers is a walking group for parents with young children who meet once a week. Through her fitness group, Kate is “dedicated to helping women get fitter and stronger” and providing an opportunity for children to see their parents as healthy role models. As a mother of two, Kate takes this approach with her to Pram Walkers, promoting exercise and healthy lifestyles while understanding the happenings of parenthood.

Pram Walkers is a great way to introduce exercise to busy parents’ lives, as it gives the opportunity for healthy exercise while linking parents to others within their area, creating networks and allowing the possibility for friendships to develop. The group is targeted to parents with children ranging from newborn to preschool age. Parents can bring a pram or a carrier sling to transport their children.

Pram Walkers can provide parents with benefits such as improved physical and mental health through exercise, social support from peers, time to enjoy the beautiful surrounds of the Upper Yarra Valley and the support of an experienced walking facilitator.

What to bring: a pram or a sling to carry children in, water for you and your child, comfortable clothing and walking shoes and sunscreen and a hat in the hotter weather for yourself and your children.

Simone Whitehead – Cire Community House Coordinator

Pram Walkers is held every Wednesday at 9.30am. Participation is by gold coin donation. No booking is necessary. Pram Walkers is currently meeting outside Cire Community House (2463 Warburton Hwy, Yarra Junction), but will be changing locations further into the year to continue exploring the wonderful area we live in. To keep up to date with meeting locations, please follow Cire Services Facebook page and look out for Pram Walkers posts every Tuesday. Alternatively, you can contact Simone at Cire Community House to find out meeting locations or for further information about this group.

Cire Community House has lots of exciting activities planned for 2018. Keep an eye out for our Community House Term One Guide, which will include a range of courses, groups and events.

Connecting Generations

Since July the kindergarten children from Cire have been lucky enough to visit the Estia Health Aged Care Facility. As part of their experience, the children got to complete different activities to engage with the residents. They have painted artwork for the art show, played games, completed puzzles, been hands-on making threaded necklaces, worked together on craft activities, they sang songs, played musical instruments and had a chat. The residents even got to show off their favourite songs and share their memories with the children. Guiding the children through their past times and experiences was a highlight for them with the children eager to learn more.

On one of the excursions to Estia some of the children had made cards for their newly found friends, it was on this day that one of them was having a very special birthday, Elsbeth was turning 94. The children were able to celebrate with her and her friends by singing happy birthday and joining in on the fun. It was a joy to see Elsbeth have so many little friends celebrate her big day.

It’s wonderful to observe the two groups of people becoming more comfortable and open with each other, learning to communicate in different ways. There was even an animal resident that was a big hit with the children, a fat cat called Elle. She meandered her way through the centre collecting hugs and pats as she went. The children learnt that Elle the cat’s role was to make the residents feel calm and make Estia feel like home.

The interactions that have occurred have been simple and easy going, there has been some small talk, discussions of how to play games and what each other enjoys doing; some even mentioning what they had liked when ‘they’ were in kindergarten. One of the residents told me,

“It was so lovely seeing the children when they visited, they bring life back into my heart and I smile so much when they are here”. Resident of Estia Health Aged Care Facility

Through this exchange, the children have had the opportunity to connect, develop and experience what it means to have respect and to care for people of all ages and abilities.

We look forward to further developing our relationships and are excited to be working towards a fun Christmas concert for our new friends, with the possibility for them to attend our end of year graduation ceremony.

Thank you so much to the Estia Health Aged Care Facility for the having our children come and visit.

If you would like to find out more about our Cire Children’s Services kindergarten program or would like to come to the centre for a tour contact 1300 835 235.


Inspiring Curiosity

At Cire Children’s Services, we always encourage our kinder children to have a keen interest in all things, from plants and the environment to animals and insects. You never know where a child’s curiosity will take you. Throughout the year the fascination with insects has steadily grown, but little did we know looking at different insects in the garden would begin something unexpected. It started simply with the discovery of a large leopard slug, which we the named Sally.Leopard Slug

Sally was discovered during a yard exploration. The wonder and curiosity were immediately obvious and the rest of the afternoon was spent observing Sally and creating a habitat for her in our room. Originally she was housed in a large glass jar and then graduated to an enclosed fish tank. There were so many fascinating facts about this unusual character to learn. Did you know that they are partially carnivorous, feeding mostly on carrion which is decomposing flesh and other slugs, or that they enjoy munching on the occasional bit of dog food? We also observed its breathing hole, body patterns and method of movement and how the leopard slug is a beneficial insect to have in your garden.

Through Sally this opened up the discovery and interest to explore the insect world exponentially, moving from slugs to their relative, the garden snail.  The children began their snail expeditions, slowly collecting enough snails to establish a small population for our now flourishing snail habitat. It was decided to differentiate between the snails using a well-tested method…nail polish! During our research on the terrestrial gastropod’s, we discovered that this was a safe and easy way to tell them apart. Each original snail was given a colour and named by the kinder children.

Using technology and close observation we discovered that snails could hibernate for up to 2 years, and to stay moist during hibernation a snail seals its shell opening with a dry layer of mucus called an epiphragm. Did you know that a snail can live for up to 12 years?

Through caring for our new pets we found out they much prefer leafy greens like lettuce and cauliflower leaf scraps. We observed the way they eat, slowly but continuously munching on greens until the leaves had completely disappeared. We were even able to spy the snail’s tiny mouth moving and cutting holes into the leaves.The research was conducted as a group, learning together that snail’s eyes are located on tentacles attached to the snails head, that they use a “foot”, one long muscle to move about and that the snail must be kept moist, to help them to maintain their mucus coating.

The children feed and spray the snails with water almost daily and regularly removed them from the habitat to interact with them.


All the children have become good little snail carers being responsible and accommodating to their needs, which was evident when 2 large batches of snail eggs were laid. We had the joy of monitoring the eggs and watching as teeny tiny snails hatched and emerged from under the rocks where they were laid. Our baby snails are now fast catching up, growing to their parent’s size. This experience, driven by the children’s recognisable and passionate interest has provided us with countless intentional and unintentional learning opportunities. We have developed a greater understanding and appreciation of the natural world, have had the pleasure to observe the snails full life cycle, the responsibility of caring for another living creature and opened other exciting interests and learning pathways. I can’t wait to see what the children’s curiosity inspires to pursue next.

For further information and 2018 enrolments for our 4 Year Old Bush Kinder Program call 5967 2776 or click here.

Keeping children safe – a responsibility for all of us

On Monday 5th May our students studying Certificate III and Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care and Certificate IV in Education Support were provided a talk on Protecting Children – Mandatory Reporting and other obligations. This presentation was delivered by Cathy Harrison, General Manager Kordus Pty Ltd.

The presentation was designed to complement the learning that the students had undertaken and to allow them the opportunity to ask questions and discuss pressing issues about this important social issue.

The talk was designed to enable participants to understand their responsibilities and who is required under legislation to report issues of abuse or suspected abuse. The talk addressed the following key points:

  • What is abuse
  • How to report
  • Those mandated to report under legislation
  • Duty of care and other obligations outlined in the legislation and Child Safe Standards.

Our students learnt that children are most commonly abused by people who are known to them. Carers, teachers and other persons of responsibility have a duty of care to take all reasonable steps to protect children in their care. Anyone who suspects abuse is occurring should raise this with authorities.

As a carer you have a duty to the children in your care to protect their safety, health and wellbeing. We all need to demonstrate that where we have a concern that we have spoken with or reported our concern about any issue that impacts on our children’s welfare. Those caring for or educating our children must:

  • Provide adequate supervision
  • Not use corporal punishment or unreasonable discipline
  • Prevent and report any form of abuse or sexual interference
  • Report concerns or circumstance which might indicate signs of abuse
  • Report any abuse that occurs
  • Promote cultural safety to aboriginal children
  • Promote cultural safety of children from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds
  • Promoting the safety of children with a disability.

The group considered a number of case studies and circumstances where the students might feel challenged. This included situations where there was a conflict between the employer’s policies and procedures and the individual’s current behaviour. In particular the issue where a person may work as a child educator, but also provide care or babysitting services to clients. Where activities outside of work, class, or conflict with ‘paid work’ responsibilities; the individual must cease those activities. This was a discussion that caused many participants to reconsider current activities, in the light of their impact on their employer’s image or responsibilities.

A large number of childcare centres will not allow babysitting because of items outlined within the legislation around grooming. Predatory conduct with the intention of grooming a child for sexual conduct is illegal. This includes any actions that are designed to deliberately lower the inhibitions of children for sexual conduct. These activities include:

  • Contact on social media
  • Story partners
  • Babysitting
  • Social clubs

All of these activities must be disclosed to the centre upon employment or work placement. Students who are about to commence work placement should speak to the placement centre about any babysitting activities that they are currently undertaking. You must understand that workplace Policies and procedures extend beyond your work hours.

The reporting of abuse was also a controversial subject which raised some discussion. Where you may consider that sexual abuse may be occurring, the law requires that you report this suspected abuse. A number of the people present were stirred by this information. Discussions centred on issues of family violence and the repercussions of reporting instances of abuse so close to individuals current circumstances. It was suggested and discussed that in situations of family violence, a third party who is also aware of the risk may be the person to report this suspected abuse to authorities. In all situations, the reporting is done to protect the child and minimise the future impact of the abuse. The main forms of abuse include:

  • Neglect
  • Sexual
  • Emotional
  • Physical
  • Grooming and
  • Family violence.

The students discussed issues of grooming and other strategies used by potential abusers

The clear message from this discussion was that any member of the community is now mandated to report suspected sexual abuse. Failure to report may result in a criminal conviction under Section 327 of the Crimes Act. It is important to consider that sometimes parents are not able to ask for help due to family conflict or breakdown, a family member’s physical/mental illness, substance abuse or disability. Family issues are complex and sometimes reporting is the pathway to support and a solution.

The students were also provided information about signs of abuse and the impact of abuse on brain development.

Evidence of abuse includes:

  • Brain development influences the impact of trauma
  • Children’s development can slow down as a result of trauma
  • Behaviour will indicate issues with development and trauma and abuse
  • Children cannot trust their world to offer them safety, stability or predictability
  • React without awareness
  • Stop seeking out comfort
  • Arousal systems are constantly elevated
  • Struggle to find how to feel calm

Further information is available:

  • Child First Victoria – Phone: 1300 369 146 or click here to find out how to make a referral
  • The child’s education and care provider.

For an emergency or to report:

  • Victoria Police – Phone : 000
  • Department of Human Services- Child Protection : Phone: 1300 360 391 or after hours 131278 or click here to report to child protection.

Situations must be reported to Victoria Police where you feel a sexual offence has been committed by an adult. In this situation you will not be required to prove your concerns. Other situations where you should report are:

  • Knowledge that someone has been or being abused
  • The child has stated that they are being abused.
  • Persistent family violence, indicators of abuse.

Do not fear speaking up, this may stop the cycle of abuse for the child, prevent another child from abused, future suffering and bring in help for all concerned.

If you have significant concern for the wellbeing of vulnerable children, young people (0-17years), an unborn child, and their families, suspect or know of a child who is currently subjected to any form of abuse, report this to Child First or Victoria Police for the health and wellbeing of the child.

As a society, we all have a responsibility to protect and keep each other safe from harm.

A fresh approach to learning

Cire Children’s Centre has had the pleasure of having the enthusiastic Jo Gaissl attend to assist educators in implementing the Linking Learning program. The Linking Learning program was developed to improve the learning outcomes for Victorian children from birth to 12 years, using song, stories, language and play. This program presented facts about how language can be impacted by a child’s environment.

Did you know that by the age of three, children born into low-income families heard roughly 3 million fewer words than their more affluent peers. With this knowledge knowing that our children could be missing out on vital learning experiences we can aim to improve their future by utilising the tools used in the Linking Learning Program. Check out the video below to see how this program has been of benefit to our community.

Jo Gaissl spent five weeks mentoring Cire educators across our children’s services. During this time Jo helped the educators gain skills in communication methods and refining teaching practices to include additional language development opportunities for the children.

As part of the Linking Learning Program educators were allocated one on one professional mentoring time to further explore language opportunities. These included stories, song, dance, movement and social opportunities.

“It’s a fantastic program! Having been involved in the pilot has demonstrated the need to focus on language development. At Cire we welcome opportunities to further enhance the child’s experience and learning outcomes because education is the key to every child’s future.” Lysa Smart – Centre director, Yarra Junction Childcare

“This program has really opened my eyes to a new understanding of the way we communicate with children and in the ways in which we can extend this in our every day lives. It has given me more confidence and the tools in which I can use to teach language to children.”Claire Savage – educator, Yarra Junction Childcare

This individual focus time was unique as it was tailored to suit each educator. During this time educators had a chance to show their own strengths, discover language learning processes and learn how to use many unknown day-to-day opportunities in a children’s education setting.

Educators were able to then use these professional mentoring times and reflect on their language and planning, celebrate their achievements and consider further exploration and direction in their professional learning, with the aim to implement these tools on a daily basis.

“I’m getting a lot out of the program; it’s really helped me to have a better understanding of linguistic development” Toula – educator, Yarra Junction Childcare

“Jo has helped me to utilise language in addressing and guiding behavior, she brings lots of fresh ideas!” Rebecca – 4 year old kinder teacher, Yarra Junction Childcare

Programs such as this are a wonderful opportunity to discover new language learning processes for the educators to use in their teaching practices.  We would like to thank Jo Gaissl for her hard work with the Linking Learning Program and for giving Cire the opportunity to participate.

If you would like further information on Cire Children’s Centre or our kindergarten program, click here to learn more, or you can contact us to arrange a tour on 1300 835 235

Fun with Mathematics

Mathematics is a skill that everybody uses in their everyday lives. We use these skills to purchase groceries, cook a cake, and even to work out the right amount of paint when doing some DIY. Whether it is a part of your working life or to complete that everyday task at home, mathematics is definitely something we cannot avoid and is a skill that is best practised and learnt when young.

Lysa Smart, Childcare Director and Rebecca Clark, Preschool Teacher from Cire Children’s Services, Yarra Junction, were lucky enough to be invited to attend the Let’s Count Program, which was offered by The Smith Family who provides training on mathematics in the early years’ education sector. The program supports educators by providing strong mathematics concepts throughout the educational setting. Starting from nursery and leading up to kindergarten, as well as giving the educators tools to assist those families, who may have in the past experienced mathematics as a scary concept and to help to re-introduce the importance of mathematic skills into people’s everyday lives.

Some of the mathematical concept skills used are: counting through games, puzzles, books and songs; such as The Hungry Caterpillar and Ten in the Bed. Another is the exploration of measurement, weight and height. This can be achieved by exploring with blocks to construct a building, making play dough, creating shapes, pattern making, sorting with beads and much more.

“It opened my thinking process about how many mathematical concepts are in our everyday lives. I feel confident that our curriculum can support mathematic concepts in order to provide the children with the tools to succeed in primary school”. – Lysa Smart Family and Children’s Services Director Yarra Junction 

The suggestions and materials supplied by The Smith Family assisted in building new ways of thinking about mathematics and potentially extending the learning opportunities for the children attending childcare.

Here at Cire children are offered opportunities to explore these concepts through a play based learning environment as well as through teaching sessions where educators explore ideas and methods used by the children. We are able to use this fun way of learning to help the child achieve a specific outcome and help to expand their skills in mathematics.

“The Let’s Count program offered great ideas and opened my mind to thinking mathematically. I feel that I am now more prepared to use correct terms with the children and have a better understanding of how to prepare them for school”. Rebecca Clarke Pre-school

In August Cire Children’s Services will be hosting an open evening with the main focus being mathematics. Understanding and learning the processes, aiding families to encourage maths in their home environment and reaffirm the importance it plays in our lives. The evening will be chance for families to meet our educators and take a tour of the facilities.

If you would like further information on Cire Children’s Centre or our kindergarten program, click here to learn more, or you can contact to organise a tour on 1300 835 235.

Our Sumatran tiger


Mount Evelyn Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) children have enjoyed an adventure researching and learning about endangered animals and ways that they can support animals which have been critically affected by human practices. This has been a student led project, with educators and parents fully supporting the children’s inquisitive minds and thirst for knowledge. The following is a story about what happened one day when a child walked into the OSHC room talking about tigers.

“I love tigers! They’re so cute and cuddly”, exclaimed a child as she walked into OSHC carrying a rather large picture book all about tigers. An educator suggested they research more about tigers on the iPad. A group of children gathered around the iPad to see what they would discover.

A common theme began to occur. Endangered, endangered, endangered. “What does endangered mean?” asked a child. “Something that is in grave danger caused by human activity and is very close to extinction if we, as humans, don’t make change” replied an educator.

The children discovered that there were only 300 species of Sumatran tigers left in the world.

“Why?” asked a child.

Together we learnt that poaching and the loss of habitat due to palm oil plantations and pulp paper plantations were the cause of the decline of our beloved Sumatran tiger.

“Palm oil.” breathed a child.

Earlier in the year we had explored and discovered the effects of palm oil plantations and the devastation it had upon orangutans. Through this experience, led by the OSHC children, we were able to raise money and adopted an orangutan called ‘Bunga’ and have cared for him for nearly three years.

Not only did we adopt an orangutan, we changed our buying habits, our eating habits, we shared our newfound knowledge with family and friends, children designed posters, made lists of food that contained palm oil and palm oil free alternatives. We even had families download palm oil free apps on their phones for their children when buying food at the supermarkets or when out and about. There were many conversations had during OSH care time, at home and at school.

The children were astounded that palm oil not only affected orangutans, but tigers as well.

“We should adopt a tiger” exclaimed a child. And so began our quest to help Sumatran tigers.

We put our thinking caps on. Ideas started overflowing, posters were created, pictures were brought from home of other endangered animals, a guessing jar competition was started, tables and chairs were beautifully decorated. Within in a few days a wall in the OSHC room was dedicated to endangered species. To give you an idea, you could not walk into the OSHC room without being bombarded by the children’s new found campaign to adopt a Sumatran tiger. You were compelled to donate!

Weeks passed and our knowledge grew. Families made guesses of how many items were in our guessing jar and donated over and over again. Finally after much hard work and organisation we had enough funds to adopt a tiger.

There was much excitement and anticipation as we waited for the adoption process. Then the moment arrived: we received notification that Langka was our adopted female Sumatran tiger. OSHC has since gone on to adopt another tiger named Cinta. Not a week passes when a child asks to adopt another endangered species. We have a long list!

Throughout this journey the children at OSHC have demonstrated an awareness of the impact of human activity on the environment and the interdependence of living things. Children have become socially responsible and have developed a deepened respect for the environment. One thing we know for sure at OSHC, extinction in the wild for the Sumatran tiger and all endangered creatures is likely if we don’t take immediate action.

For further information on Cire Children’s Services click here.

The day in the life of an Autistic child in Long Day Care

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a developmental condition which affects how people make sense of the world and how they communicate and interact with others. People with ASD may experience behavioural and sensory issues, along with difficulties in social interactions, communication and repeated or restricted interests or behaviours.

Here at Cire Services, we support children, teenagers and families who may have ASD or are supporting a family member with ASD. We have students with autism at our school, Cire Community School, and in our pre-accredited courses at Cire Training; we provide relief to carers of children with autism through Cire In Home Care; and we have children who attend our long day care and after school care programs at Cire Children’s Services who have been diagnosed as on the Autism Spectrum.

Whilst understanding of ASD has come a long way, many people still have misconceptions regarding Autism. With understanding and greater awareness, we can break down social barriers and support those living with or affected by ASD. The following was written by Lysa Smart, the director of Cire Children’s Centre, Yarra Junction campus, from the viewpoint of a day in the life of an autistic child and how their view of the world can differ.

I have ASD and this is my day…

My day begins with routines and familiar guardians and family before I head off to long day care.

Upon arrival at long day care I quickly scan the room to check for my friends, familiar educators and experiences that I am familiar with.

I am very sensitive to changes in my environment and when I notice these changes it can make me feel like I’m not in control. When I don’t have control I become very upset and can become aggressive towards everyone in my environment.

Sometimes I don’t like loud noises so when the room gets busy this can be upsetting. I may make my own noises because I like to experiment with how my voice sounds.

My friend Cheryl in the kitchen knows that I like my food served in a special way and it must be the same way every day!

When I become engaged in experiences in my room my senses become heightened and if I feel uncomfortable with the texture I may not want to join in, especially if it feels funny or makes me messy.

I also like to hide in my environment because it’s how I cope if I have no one to help me and make me feel safe.

Sometimes you can redirect me to things I am interested in and this will help bring me back to the green zone, but I need your help to achieve this.

I normally have a very long day so please remember that I don’t do these things to make you angry, I do them because I don’t know how to stop, this is my way of asking for help.

All of these things may apply to me or some may apply to other friends with Autism, we are all different.

And the following is another viewpoint of a day in the life of an autistic child:

Lots of children with Autism have a special interest; I have had an interest in birds for a long time.

My bird lives in my Pocket

Wow what does he eat?
He doesn’t eat anything

Why doesn’t he eat anything?
Because he’s not real

Can I meet your bird?
No he’s tiny.

Ok maybe another time I can meet your bird.

(Ten minutes later)

Here is my bird

What is your bird’s name? I have forgotten.
He hasn’t got a name he is just bird.

(Sitting on the table is a small porcelain bird sitting next to the child)

Look my bird is missing his head.

What happened?
I didn’t like him anymore. He wasn’t doing what I wanted him to do.

Ok, does he need to go to the hospital?
Yes can we put him in a box?

What size box do you think we need?
Only a small one as he doesn’t have a head anymore.

I feel comforted by having my bird with me.

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) affects children in many different ways and as educators we provide support based on those individual needs.

If you would like to join this rewarding industry Cire Training offers Certificate and Diploma in Early Childhood Education and Care – now taking enrolments for semester 1 2017.

For further information on Cire Community School an alternative to secondary school call 1300 835 235.

For further information on Cire Children’s Services call 5967 2776 Yarra Junction or 9736 1918 Mt Evelyn.

Help Little Feet Take Big Steps

Cire Services is launching a new approach to help support our community programs. Our first initiative is Gumboots Supported Playgroup.

Launching Tuesday 25th October, Cire Services will conduct fundraising and donation activities to contribute to the longevity of our community programs. Our new Support Cire page enables people and organisations to make financial donations and receive an invoice for tax purposes. Our first campaign supports the Gumboots Supported Playgroup. Cire campaigns will be developed to further enhance our educational and support services.

Gumboots Supported Playgroup is run by Cire Services in Yarra Junction and is a free, relaxed, quality playgroup where children learn through play. The program supports children’s development and learning; is facilitated by a qualified early childhood educator and helps improve educational outcomes for all children. This is achieved through the provision of high quality playgroups in the Upper Yarra region; where children experience a range of educational activities and parents are assisted to support their child’s learning.

Gumboots Supported Playgroup is solely supported and funded through the Upper Yarra Community Enterprise. This financial assistance is greatly appreciated and we seek ongoing donations to ensure the program grows and benefit more families. Gumboots rely heavily on donations to support playgroup programs for families with young children.

Your donation will help us maintain our services in the Upper Yarra region – our kids can’t thank you directly, but know you’ve made a big difference to little lives.