An awesome night had by all – thank you

Waiting for the show to start

MC Erin did a great job

Sam Egan and her daughter Karina-Bella conducted the Acknowledgment of Country

Taking it all in

Ric provided us all with an update and thanked the many people that contributed to our success

Some words from Gus our CEO

In deep thought

Treasurer Andrew had some good news about our finances

Jim Child's doing the honours

And now for the close up

Cutting the Cire cake

Kate Baker presented the Boy to Man project giving us all an insight into the photography experience

Dave O'Neil providing the laughs

Dave had COM in stitches

Viv's having a great time

We all had a good laugh..

Lots of laughs had by all

Right to the very end...Thank you Dave it was brilliant

Dave was on a roll...

They were cracking up...