Words from our students
UYCH Kitchen Skills’ students were asked to write down one word each that describes how they feel about their Introduction to Kitchen Skills class. These words reflect just how important everyday livings skills are to the people in our community and the need for social interaction. Not only are cooking skills essential to a healthy lifestyle, the social […]
Keeping it real – ECEC Training Dolls session
On a visit to our Mt Evelyn campus we found a lot going on in the Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) class. The day was all about simulation as the students were able to care for an infant during class, well not an infant in the human form, a training doll to be precise. […]
International Women’s Day Celebration
March 8th marked International Women’s Day, celebrating women all over the world for their economic, political, and social achievements, as well as showing appreciation, love and respect for women from different cultures, religions and political environments. The day is celebrated across the world with thousands of events such as charity functions, luncheons, forums and more. […]
We had a little visitor come to the house today
Say hello to Dobby, a three month old Brush Tail possum that was rescued five weeks ago. Dobby is being raised by Raewyn, one of our In Home Care workers, who also has a passion for our four legged friends. The community relies on volunteers like Raewyn, who is a registered wildlife foster carer, to raise injured […]
Role playing worthy of an Academy Award
Have you ever thought how hard it is to move people that can’t move themselves? Helping them perform everyday tasks that we sometimes take for granted. Yesterday our Certificate III Aged Care and HACC students were busy role playing to learn how to do just that.  Their tutor Naomi acted as their director by presenting best practices and […]
Hungry? VCAL Students sausage rolls recipe
Our Mt Evelyn campus was smelling delightful last week. Our VCAL students were busy making yummy homemade sausage rolls and chocolate chip muffins, and they were simply delicious so we thought we would give you the recipe for one of the dishes for you to try yourself. Make sure to let us know how you went as we love feedback […]