Why is Ethical and Sustainable Coffee so important?

For many of us, coffee is a staple in our lives! From starting the day to an afternoon catch-up, these wonderful little beans bring us warmth and energy. But in an age where we are all looking to help the environment, it is important to source products in an ethical and sustainable way.

Many may be unaware, but there are social and environmental challenges that face the coffee industry. This ranges from deforestation, pollution, habitat losses and disposable coffee cups.

This is why it is so important to source and brew ethical and sustainable coffee and reusable/recyclable coffee cups. We all need to take steps towards a healthier planet, and there are five steps to this process:

  1. Select Sustainable Coffee Roasters

Sustainable coffee roasters ensure beans are produced with minimal environmental impact and that the farmers sourcing the beans are working in fair conditions. The way coffee is grown can have a massive impact on the environment to make room for coffee plantations, and deforestation takes place. This further releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and destroys natural habitats.

  1. Use a Sustainable Coffee Maker

A fully-automatic espresso machine has integrated bean grinders that grind the correct amount of coffee. This means it has a greater environmental footprint than a capsule-based system. Although plastic capsule coffee does support the chemical industry, there is a way you can safely recycle the leftover pods, and this should be considered if you are using this system.

  1. Use a Cane Sugar Alternative

Cane sugar farming poses a real environmental threat to habitat and resource loss through increased water use, including fertiliser run off into our ecosystem. Eco-friendly sugar alternatives we can use are agave syrup, date sugar, honey and maple syrup, as long as they are ethically sourced.

  1. Select Plant-based Milk

Utilising fewer animal products and opting for plant-based milk or no milk at all, you can help climate change. There is a huge selection available that includes almond, coconut, soy, rice and nut milk – or even no milk at all!

  1. Get a Reusable Coffee Cup

If you do regularly purchase a local barista-brewed coffee, then using your own reusable coffee cup is essential. This aids in less landfill and further supports businesses to help the environment!

Overall, ethical and sustainable coffee is integral to preserving our environment. We can make a big difference by taking small steps to source it and the right cups. By talking more openly about this topic, finding ways to reduce your own footprint can make the world a better place.

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