
Diploma of Community Services an interview with student Jacqueline

Community Services is a diverse sector with many different career pathways a couple of examples include Community Care Manager and Community Development worker. When you undergo this qualification you will gain the skills and knowledge required to successfully support clients within the community.

You will learn how to communicate with a range of diverse people and organisations, learn reflective practice, plan and development of programs, participate in group work and the fundamentals of case management. Most of all you will learn how to assist people in the community to live their best lives.

We recently met with Jacqueline who is currently completing a Diploma of Community Services and a placement at the Cire Community Hub to discuss experiences while studying and on placement. Read the full interview below.

Q: What made you decide to study the Diploma of Community Services?
A: I have always been passionate about helping others. When I was 17 I became involved in community work; however, I felt I was too young or inexperienced. After gaining some life experience, I’ve decided to return to my passion and take this course to help positively impact the community.
Q: If you could give new students of the Diploma of Community Services course two pieces of advice about studying, what would it be?
A: Firstly, I would suggest exploring different areas of the Community Services sector and gain an understanding of which direction you might like to take your course; community development, housing services, family services, etc.
Then I would say to do your best in submitting assignments on time. If you begin to feel as though you are falling behind, speak with your trainers and support network.
Q: You chose to complete your placement at the Cire Community hub. Could you tell us how long your placement is and why you chose Cire?
A: I have been on placement at the Cire Community Hub for six months now, and I’m extremely happy with my choice. Cire has an excellent reputation and offers various programs and services that I was excited to learn about. I knew it would be a fantastic experience to see how community programs are developed and managed first-hand while being supported by other team members and volunteers.
Q: What kind of tasks do you undertake during your placement time?
A: Just as an indication, here are some of the things I have done here at Cire and taking some knowledge with me to my next Placement.
During my placement with Cire I have had the opportunity to work on a number of projects and engage with community members. I have taken cooking classes with Cire’s Everyday Learners, developed and managed a Spanish conversation class and built programs for primary school-aged children to encourage them to socialise with others during a challenging year.
While on placement, I have also gained computer literacy and problem-solving skills. Thank you, Cire for allowing me to complete my placement here.

For more information about Cire’s Diploma of Community Services click here.