
Drumming to the beat of Ghana

The youngsters at the Children’s Centre had loads of fun recently when Fredrick Kpakpo Addo came to visit. Fredrick, who recently moved to Melbourne, brought his 20 years’ experience as a performer of music and dance to Mt Evelyn. Travelling the world with his performing arts Fredrick shared traditional West African drumming, singing, and stories with the children. All were eager to get involved and couldn’t wait to have a go on the sticks with many busting a move to complement the beats.

“Fred captivated all the children’s attention with his enthusiasm through music and song. It was fantastic.” Rachael – Classroom Assistant 

Fred showed great enthusiasm, and delighted in entertaining as he taught the children some traditional drumming rhythms and songs, at one stage the flute even made an appearance. These activities are a great way for the children to express themselves through performance art. UYCH encourages projects like these which has the children learning about culture in other parts of world.

“My favourite bit was when we danced” Adele – 3 years old

“I liked it when we hit the drums and sang “Africa, Africa”, then “Aussie, Aussie, Aussie” Jillian – Classroom Assistant

“I love it when I was an elephant” Ben – 4 years old

Afterwards the children’s inquisitive little minds had an abundance of questions about life, the food and the differences in culture in Ghana.

This experience has links to the Early Years Learning Framework that UYCH incorporates in their programming. In particular to the community outcome, where it states that children respond to diversity with respect and gain awareness of other cultures and beliefs.

“I loved learning about the cultural dress and food of Ghana.” Ange – Kindergarten Teacher

We are currently taking kindergarten enrolments at Mt Evelyn and Yarra Junction if you would like to know more about our Early Childhood Education and Care programs click here.

UYCH Children’s Centre – exceeds expectations

We are so proud and excited to announce that upon receiving our assessment report from the Department of Education and Training that our children’s centre received a rating of Exceeding for each quality area and an overall rating of EXCEEDING!

The hard work does pay off and benefits the families who use our Early Childhood Education and Care services. UYCH Family and Children’s Centre in Yarra Junction was granted an overall rating of exceeding by the National Quality Framework (NQF). Achieving this is a step closer to an excellence rating which can only be awarded by Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority. These assessments are conducted by the Department of Education and Training rated our service based on the National Quality Standards (NQS) which ensures our services are of the highest quality.

The recent assessment was conducted over a two day period in late September. Nadia from the Department of Education and Training assessed and rated our service based on her findings. This included her spending time in each education and care room, speaking with program leaders and discussing processes with Paige (Centre Director) and Natalie (Assistant Director).

The NQS sets a national benchmark for the quality of children’s education and care services across Australia. As the NQF progresses, every service in the country will be assessed on its progress in meeting the quality standard.

The centre was assessed and rated across 58 elements, 18 standards and 7 quality areas.
These areas were:
• Educational program and practice
• Children’s health and safety
• Physical environment
• Staffing arrangements
• Relationships with children
• Collaborative partnerships with families and communities
• Leadership and service management

This is what the assessor had to say about us:

“Intentional teaching was embedded in the program to scaffold and extend each child’s learning. For example, educators used a social skills program to intentionally scaffold children’s understanding and help them to develop social skills.”

“Each child’s comfort was provided for and there were a range of opportunities for both individuals and groups who effectively met children’s need for sleep, rest and relaxation. For example, each room provided a book/rest area that was warm and inviting with books, soft toys, blankets, beanbags and adult sized couches where educators, parents and children could cuddle up and enjoy telling and listening to stories.”

“The service had built a relationship with Yarra Valley ECOSS who donated fruit trees and vegetable seedlings to help create a community vegetable garden and have invited the service chef to complete a three day horticulture class where she will be learning about composting biodiversity, soil health, tree pruning and fruit management, growing seedlings and hot house creation using natural materials.”

“The service demonstrated recognition and acknowledgement of educator strengths incorporating these into the program. For example, an educator passionate about music education ran a music program visiting all of the rooms. An educator imparted her indigenous culture through storytelling in the bush kinder.”

“The children shared ideas and information and improved their understanding of the needs of living organisms, conservation and biodiversity. They also explored ways to represent their ideas and information as a plan. Children volunteered to help in setting the tables for lunch and in packing away, putting their water and food scraps into containers and their cups, bowls and spoons into a tub when they had finished. The dignity and rights of every child were consistently supported and promoted at all times.”

“Continuity of learning for each child was systematically promoted by sharing relevant information and building collaborative strategies. Children experienced positive transition from their home to the service. This was observed when children entered the service confidently and were warmly welcomed by each educator.”

It is with great pleasure that we all say thank you to the passionate and dedicated educators at UYCH Family and Children’s Service. This exceeding rating could not have been achieved without their expertise, commitment and incredibly high standard and dedication they bring to work each day.

With their professional and caring ability and motivation we now look forward to applying for the excellence rating. We extend our gratitude to our children and families for their continuous feedback and involvement in our service.

If you would like to know more about our Early Childhood Education and Care programs click here.