
Mums – it’s time to focus on you!

With all the rush of school pick-ups, sports, activities and home life, it’s easy for Mums to find self-care slipping to the bottom of our to-do list. According to a survey conducted by Healthy Women, 78% of mothers report neglecting to take care of their own needs because they’re too busy looking after their loved ones. Even the family dog was listed as a higher priority than our own mental health and wellbeing!

Caring for yourself isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessity. The more we can meet our own needs and reduce our stress, the more present we can be for our children and our families- it’s a win/win!

Cire’s Chirnside Park Community Hub is excited to be partnering with Flic Manning of Corethentic to offer a Women’s Wellness program for local Mums. This program will run every Wednesday morning from 9th October to 30th October and will cover self-care, wellness and the ‘’CALM’’ technique as well as offering gentle, guided meditation.

Flic has over 30 years of experience in health and wellness. She is a Neuroplastician and Meditation Guide, Personal Trainer and a Wellness Coach as well as a popular public speaker.

We’ll be running a free taster session on Wednesday 25th September and we invite you to join us for discussion, education and relaxation in a supportive and non-judgmental space. It’s time to put an end to the dreaded Mum guilt and start embracing your own self-care!

For those with little ones who aren’t in kinder or school, Cire’s Chirnside Park Community Hub offer occasional care, which is eligible for the child-care subsidy. Please feel free to contact us for further information or to enrol in a session!

For further information on our free taster session and the opportunity to meet other local mums click here.

For further information on Flic and Corethentic you can check out her website here.