Are you uncertain about which VET Course to pursue?
Consider enrolling in Cire Training’s VET Pathway Program – this program allows students to test out a selection of units before committing to a VETDSS Course or qualification of choice.
Giving them the tools they need to make an informed decision about their educational future.
Cire offers two programs
Early Childhood Education and Care, Community Services and Health Services
Cookery, Patisserie and Hospitality
Students will receive credits for the units of competency pertaining to the qualification that have been successfully completed, giving them a head start with their course of choice.
Duration and delivery mode
1 semester – classroom and work placement
Eligibility – Students must be enrolled in a secondary school VET program with a minimum year 9 completion.
Enrolling in VCE VET is made easy by reaching out to your school’s VET Coordinator. If you’re keen on participating in either or both of these programs, simply connect with them to get started.